Who wants to be a millionaire in Year 3 and 4?
Pizza fractions in Year 5 and 6
In Maths week, the children in Year 5 and 6 have been learning about fractions
Maths hat at Buttercup Primary!
Odd socks day at Buttercup Primary– Anti-bullying week
The Tower Hamlets Junior Citizenship scheme
World Smile Day at Buttercup Primary school
Key stage 1 assembly with PCSO Kassam, PC Kit and PC Mel
Online safety with parents
Key stage 2 assembly with PCSO Kassam, PC Mel and PC Kit
Guided reading in Safety Week
Safety week fire drill practice
ECO Ambassadors Trip to the Blue Paradox
Transition afternoon at Buttercup Primary
Walk around Brick Lane!
Year 3 and 4 Food and International week
International day at Buttercup Primary!
A very Royal British tea party at Buttercup Primary school