School Council​
At GJT children are at the heart of our schools. As an educational organization we value the thoughts, ideas and opinions of all our children and the school council is one way the voice of the children is heard loud and clear. Representatives are elected by their classes three times a year at the start of the term 1,3 & 5. These children have an extremely important job to do.
Our council consists of one representative from each class from Reception to Year 6. The School Council co-ordinater is supporting the School councillors. The school councillors, term in office expires every 18 weeks and new councillors will be re-appointed.
All councillors will be involved in many aspects of running of school life. The school council will meet regularly and discuss issues raised by children in the classes. Following the meeting, the school councillors will report back to their class on issues that were discussed and actions that will be taken to address their concerns.
The role of school councillor lasts for one year, this allows other children in the class to be voted for by their peers. The school council will actively be involved in raising funds for trips and ways to enhance their school environment.
First meeting for the School Council to discuss plans for the year.
Priorities for the year
Development of GJT's Khateeb’s
To review the schools reward and Sanction system
Investors in pupils
School bullying
School meals and menu
School councils own ideas for the year
Charity days
Dates of future meetings