Homework Policy
At GJT we believe homework is an essential part of all pupils1 learning. Homework will be set regularly and pupils will be encouraged to establish good homework habits from the beginning of their studies.
Homework is necessary because:
• It allows practice and consolidation of work done in class.
• It allows assessment of the pupil’s progress.
• It encourages pupils to develop good study habits and to plan and organise their study time.
• It provides opportunities for individualised work.
• It encourages ownership and responsibility for learning.
The type and length of homework will vary according to the age and ability of the pupil and the subject, however, it is important that homework forms a coherent part for a particular subject. Each teacher is responsible for monitoring and implementing the homework policy within her subject area.
Homework may take a variety of forms. These include:
• Learning Homework
• Research assignments
• Practical assignments
Homework that depends on pupils having extensive use of reference books and other equipment at home should be avoided, as access to such materials will vary widely amongst the pupils. Adequate time should be given for pupils to note down their homework and subject teachers should check that pupils have understood the homework before they leave the lesson.
Monitoring homework
Each pupil will be issued with a pre-printed homework diary. Teachers are responsible for checking the diaries once a week and need also to ensure that the parent/guardian signatures are present along side their own.
Subject teachers should always ensure that homework is set according to the homework timetable and that they write it in individual pupil diary for the early years older and those able to do so should enter the details of their homework in their diaries.
Subject teachers/tutors can make comments in the diaries to communicate with the parents about an individual.
Homework should be marked regularly in line with the schools assessment policy.
Sanctions for the non-completion of homework
There is a need for a consistent approach regarding sanctions for non- completion of homework, however it is important that the sanctions are staged. The following is a recommended route with regard to sanctions:
• Always enquire as to why the homework has not been completed.
• On the first occasion, a reminder is all that should be necessary, plus a note to parents
Via the homework diary
• If homework is on a number of occasions incomplete or not handed in, and if you are satisfied that the reason is not justified, Headteacher needs to be consulted and procedures from the discipline policy need to put into action.
The role of parents
Parents are encouraged to discuss homework with their children and to help them plan its completion on time. They are also asked to sign the homework diary weekly, and a space is provided for any comments that they wish to make.
Wherever possible, parents are encouraged to provide a suitable location, away from distraction, for their child to complete homework. It is best, on most occasions, that homework is completed at a desk or table. Parents might be able to support what is being learnt by:
• Testing their knowledge in preparation for a test
• Checking presentation for neatness
• Directing the child to a suitable reference book or other information
• If the child is genuinely having difficulty, parents can provide some guidance sufficient to overcome the problem rather than giving the direct answer.