Educational Aims
Our aim is to develop the following qualities in our students:
Children are aware of God and the interconnectedness of creation in all that one thinks, feels and does. (Tawhīd– Unity & Systems)
They have a sound grasp of the principles of moral reasoning and a commitment to self-reflection. self-direction, and moral action, with an emphasis on integrity, honesty, compassion and justice. (Tazkiyah – Power/Force, Duality, Causation)
Has a deep understanding of the major patterns and recurring issues of humankind and the impact of significant events and discoveries on the course of human development. (Hikmah– Space, Relations & Structure)
Understands the scope and importance of balance and well-being in one’s personal and collective life, and actively works to establish it therein. (Istiqāmah– Form & Substance)
Has an understanding of the role of good communication, cooperation, fairness, and friendship in establishing and maintaining meaningful and healthy relations between individuals and groups. (Ihsān –Motion & Interaction)
Commits to a lifestyle consistent with the principles and practices of Islam, especially as reflected in one’s daily interactions with others. (Dīn – Time & Pattern)
Has a strong sense of caring, stewardship, service and social activism, and a commitment to using one’s life to make a difference in the world. (Amānah – Function & Outcome)