COVID - 19 Updates
Please find our Covid-19 documents below
Current Updates
Please click on the links below to read the documents
EPS Coronavirus_(COVID-19)_ Reopening the School Premises after Temporary Closure Checklist_2020055
EPS Coronavirus_(COVID-19)_ Risk Assessment for Reopening After a Temporary Closure_2020056
EPS Coronavirus_(COVID-19)_ School Reopening Arrangements Letter to Parents_2020051
EPS Coronavirus_(COVID-19)_ Transitions Questionnaire for Pupils Returning to Primary School_2020056
Evergreen – June 1 Decision Evergreen – Preparation for School
Child-Protection-Policy-evergreen – COVID-19 Addendum April 2020
School starts at 9:00am for all classes
Dismissal / pick-up times will be staggered as follows:
Pickup timings
EYFS: 14:40
Y1-2: 14:50
Y3-6: 15:00
Please Note: Pick up times must be followed strictly to ensure social distancing guidance is being followed.
Parents must pickup and drop off outside the school. Social distancing must be observed at all times.
Early years parents will be allowed entry into the reception area subject to using the provided hand sanitiser.
Payment of school fees
We have allocated the following times for fee payments:
Added: AM: 9:30 – 10:00
Added: PM: 15:15 – 16:00
School Lunches and Salah
School lunches will not be provided during the month of July. Children must bring a healthy packed lunch on a daily basis. Additionally please provide your child with water and fruit to bring to school. The fruit must be in a sealed plastic bag or airtight container.
School Uniforms
There will be no school uniform required for July. Please make sure your child wears a fresh set of clothing each day.
COVID-19 Safety Measures
YOU MUST report any symptoms or positive test results to the school immediately and action isolation.
Important Update
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the secretary of state has advised that all schools will close, except for the children of ‘Key Workers’, as of Monday 23rd March 2020.
We have set-up an emergency home learning portal, that will allow all children to continue their education from home with the continuous support of our teachers.
Added: Emergency Home Learning Letter 2020
The home learning portal can be accessed from here: Home Learning Portal