Anti-Bullying Week
During anti-bullying week, in EYFS we talked about the different types of bullying and how it can make us feel sad and upset. We drew a helping hand to remind us of all different adults that children can go to if we are ever worried about anything. We watched a power point on kindness, and we shared how to be kind such as by sharing our toys during free flow play, helping our friends, listening to them, and most importantly smiling and keeping cheerful because it is the sunnah of our prophet Muhammed (SAW). We celebrated anti-bullying week on Friday by wearing green; our slogan was “wear green and don’t be mean!”
We start our day with kindness, by singing our Islamic greeting song: ‘Assalamu’alaykum, How are You?’
We spread kindness throughout each day by smiling J
We enjoyed reading the story: You’re Not Ugly, Duckling! By Steve Smallman. This book teaches us about the subject of bullying; also how to deal and cope with bullying.