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Money Week

Monday 23rd November  saw the beginning of an exciting money week at Buttercup Primary School. Everybody got involved in all kinds of activities. Key Stage 1 learned all about coins, counting money, shopping, prices and played a range of games, even taking part in a money treasure hunt. Key Stage 2 classes extended their experience to other currencies and exchange rates. They explored needs and wants, what we use money for and whether it makes us happy. Some children created pocket money policies considering whether children should be given pocket money, how much, whether to spend or save and if it should be earned – these make interesting reading! Others also investigated bank accounts, and the range of ways to pay for things: cheques, credit and debit cards or even simply with a mobile phones.

A group of Year 5 and 6 embarked upon an enterprise challenge. At the very exclusive UBS bank in the city of London .

Everybody took part in  Maths Hat competition, we had an interesting collection that was showcased!

The week ended with a theatre production show at the school hall by Hob Goblins on the history of Maths . Children saw the importance of math through history , all the way from ancient Egypt to now everybody loved the show!

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