Asalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu
We pray that you are all well and in good health!
We have started our new term and the children have settled back into the school routine Alhumdulilah!
Thank you to all the parents who have supported our efforts in keeping the attendance and punctuality up.
Communication and Media
We are very close to completing the process of getting everything ready for our exciting website to be launched soon in sha Allah. Please bear with us a little longer as we have some adjustments that need to be made. Please continue to access all home learning material from either Buttercup / Evergreen Primary school’s websites.
Reading: Guided Reading
At Oak Tree Reading is an integral component of the whole school curriculum. To ensure skills are met, we have added daily Guided reading lessons that have been put into each year groups’ class timetables. Children receive a daily lesson in Guided reading separate to their daily English lesson where learning related to comprehension, inference and oracy skills are practiced and focused on.
Reading at home
Children will be able to take home books to encourage reading for pleasure and enable the practice of building essential skills.
At Oak Tree we encourage children to make links with other books whenever they read. This helps them to recognise themes and conventions within stories and texts too. When reading with your child it is helpful to ask them things like:
•Can you tell me another story where that/this happens?
•Do you know any other characters like that?
•Can you think of anyone/anything similar in your
life? In the world?
• How is this book similar to...? Different from...?
E books
I would like to highlight the availability of E-books and audio that all children have access to on the website— you should find a login password on the page, please enjoy!
Flip learning
Flip Learning is a new approach where children learn core content online, outside of class time and then participate in activities in class to reinforce their learning. The aim is to improve attainment by allowing pupils to be better prepared for lessons, and teachers to have more information about their pupils and more classroom time to devote to in-
depth, complex learning activities.
Our flip learning will provide regular content for children to engage, and practice in their own time and to their comfort and preference.
Please ensure your child spends time watching/reading the flip learning in advance so they come to lessons prepared.
The Art of Salah sessions has been introduced this term. Year 3-4 have a dedicated lesson each week which is a practical session of being taught the skills of salah. Children will be learning about the routine posture and pace as well as order. These lessons take place in the main hall. We are hoping that these sessions enable them to become prepared for year 5-6 and that they gain an insight into understanding the discipline that is needed during performance of salah.
Having evaluated the Hifdh sessions it has come to our attention that many children do not know how to read Arabic proficiently, neither do they have access to learning the Arabic reading outside of the school curriculum. With this in mind we have decided to incorporate Quran reading skills as it is imperative that the children get to learn vital Primary reading skills of the Quran.
Water bottles
Please ensure that your child’s name is written on any water bottles to avoid confusion, Re-usable bottles must be taken home daily and cleaned.
Packed lunches
Packed lunches provided must be healthy. Please do not give your child Nutella or jam in their sandwich/roll. As a treat, on Friday, as it is Jummah day, the children can bring a small treat like crisps, small chocolate bar in their packed lunch for themselves. Children SHOULD NOT bring in family sized treats to share. Please support the school to encourage healthy eating. Please note, we are a ‘nut free’ school so do not give your child/ren any foods that may contain nuts in them. All cutleries should also be provided with a packed lunch.
Trip to Cambridge university: 20th of July, this is due to the coach availability.
Year 3/4
The Garden Museum has been an amazing experience for all the children. Children were thrilled and enthusiastic to learn about the different plants and their life cycle. Insha’Allah pictures and posts will soon be available for all to see on the website.
Year 5-6 took part in the Junior Citizenship scheme with Merton borough. The children learnt all about the different services that contribute to the wellbeing of a community, the police, fire safety, transport team and the councils recent safe bicycle scheme. They learned many different life skills that will no doubt become invaluable in preparing them for life outside school.
Elected Pupil leaders at Oak Tree!
Our elected pupil leaders will start their roles to take care of their given areas Insha’Allah. They will soon be participating in their first boardroom meeting with the SLT.
99 names of Allah and Value of the week
This week the beautiful name of Allah, ‘As Salaam,’ was taught to the children. They understood how Allah is the one that gives peace and asks us to spread peace by greeting all with Salam.
We have been learning about ahadeeth that tell us how vital it is not to waste time. When we have free time, me must make sure we are using it wisely and productively.
Careers fair
20th June 2023
We will be hosting a a careers afternoon for our year 5/6 pupils as part of raising aspirations for our children.
We are inviting parent’s volunteers to participate from a variety of professions who can come forward to take part in a workshop style session. Besides being a fun afternoon, where students can explore their aspirations and dreams, it is also an important time to promote the idea of having a good career. It’s believed that promoting a good career will help students understand the link between subjects, their skills, and the opportunities that can arise from that. Please contact the school if you would like to take part.
We will select parent volunteers from a range of professions. Please do come forward if you are from any of the following professional backgrounds:
Imams, Scholars/Mufti (male or female), Medical professionals , Business owners, Property/ real estate’s, Chef, Sport , Architect , Finance.
Dates for your diary
Themed weeks:
This month out themed event is:
Careers fair: 20th June
Food week: 26th June -30th June
Food Week. The children will be doing a lot of learning around food, they will cover; Fair trade, organic food, Monsanto industry and many other interesting facts around the food we eat. The learning will be topic linked into next terms curriculum.
Eid day 28/29th June we will confirm nearer to the day.
Eid Party: Friday 30th June
Eid party will fall within Food week this year. You can send in small portions of homemade celebratory food items! Please note we are a Nut free school, food items must not contain nuts.
International week. 3rd -7th July
Sports day: Thursday 13th July
Graduation Year 6: 19th July and celebratory Party!
Reception: 14th July
Parents evenings:
17 -18th July for Primary
Time: 4:30-6pm
The booking sheet has been outside the door of the school for a few days. Please fill in if you haven’t already done so.
Quran Parent’s meetings 17th July
Timing: 8.30 – 10am
A booking sheet will be available outside the door shortly.
Last day of school
Wednesday 21st July will the last day of term in sha Allah. To mark the end of a remarkable start of Oak tree we will be having an end of academic year party. Children will be asked to bring in party food to share.
Final note
Any concerns can be sent to the leadership team in Oak Tree Primary. Day to day messages for information can be sent to your class teacher via dojo.
Senior Management Team.