Asalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu
We pray that you are all well and in good health!
The blessed days of Dhul hijjah is upon us we are honoured to witness such sanctified days.
This is a brief reminder for us all to make the best of the upcoming beautiful days.
Takbír at-Tashreeq : unrestricted and restricted
Unrestricted recitation during 1st-13th day of Dhul hijjah for non-pilgrims ( all of us ☺)
For Pilgrims they say talbiya (labbaik) until the day of Aarafah.
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha ill-Allah; wa Allahu akbar wa Lillaahi’l-hamd
(Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great, there is no god but Allah; Allah is Most Great and to Allah be praise)
This recitation of Takbir is made after each obligatory salah until the days of tashrik are over.
Those who are pilgrims recite talbiya
(Labbaik) and do takbeer during days of tashrik.
The period of tashriq.
It is practiced from fajr prayer on the 9th day of the month of Dhul Hijjah until after the Asr salah on the 13th day of Dhul Hijjah.
Deeds to act upon and is sanctified in rewards:
1) Hajj
2)Fasting (Day 1-9 of Dhul hijjah)
Especially Arafah if once cannot fast the other days.
3)Reciting Quran
4)Dhikr Takbeer
5) sadaqah / Charity
6) Repentance (very important one)
7) Do good deeds
8) Offering Qurbani
9) last but not least
Enjoying Eid and the 3 days of Tashreeq ❤
May Allah accept it from all of us,
I pray we are able to benefit from the best days of Dhul hijjah and the appointed days of tashreeq!❤
Communication and Media
Please continue to communicate with us through dojo and email if there is something you would like to find out about. Our website is still under construction and will be available soon in sha Allah.
Water bottles
Please ensure that your child’s name is written on any water bottles to avoid confusion, Re-usable bottles must be taken home daily and cleaned.
Please do not send children in with jackets and jumpers.
Packed lunches
Packed lunches provided must be healthy. Please do not give your child Nutella or jam in their sandwich/roll. As a treat, on Friday, as it is Jummah day, the children can bring a small treat like crisps, small chocolate bar in their packed lunch for themselves. Children SHOULD NOT bring in family sized treats to share. Please support the school to encourage healthy eating. Please note, we are a ‘nut free’ school so do not give your child/ren any foods that may contain nuts in them. All cutleries should also be provided with a packed lunch.
Elected Pupil leaders at Oak Tree!
Our elected pupil leaders have started their roles and are carrying out different duties in accordance with their positions.
Our first Eco Afternoon!
We are holding an eco-afternoon, where children will organise their allocated areas in the school thus creating an inviting and safe environment to learn and play in.
99 names of Allah and Value of the week
This week the beautiful name of Allah, ‘Al Hakam,’ was taught to the children. They understood how Allah is the ultimate Judge and judges with full fairness.
The value we have been learning about is using our time wisely and using our health wisely.
Dates for your diary
Themed weeks:
This month out themed event is:
Careers fair: 20th June
Food week: 26th June -30th June
Food Week. The children will be doing a lot of learning around food, they will cover; Fair trade, organic food, Monsanto industry and many other interesting facts around the food we eat. The learning will be topic linked into next terms curriculum.
Eid day 28/29th June we will confirm nearer to the day.
Eid Party: Friday 30th June
Eid party will fall within Food week this year. You can send in small portions of homemade celebratory food items! Please note we are a Nut free school, food items must not contain nuts.
International week. 3rd -7th July
Children will be learning about their chosen country.
Sports day: Thursday 13th July
Graduation Year 6: 19th July and celebratory Party!
Reception: 14th July
Parents evenings:
17 -18th July for Primary
Time: 4:00-6.30pm
Bookings have been noted down.
Quran Parent’s meetings 17th July
Timing: 8.00 – 10am
Timings had to be increased due to the number of parents trying to book a slot.
Last day of school
Wednesday 21st July will the last day of term in sha Allah. To mark the end of a remarkable start of Oak tree we will be having an end of academic year party. Children will be asked to bring in party food to share.
Final note
Any concerns can be sent to the leadership team in Oak Tree Primary. Day to day messages for information can be sent to your class teacher via dojo.
Senior Management Team.