Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu
Dear parents and carers,
Maths week
We are celebrating Maths week next week. The teachers have planned many real-life Maths based activities for the children to experience over the week. Our special challenge this year is in the style of ‘The Apprentice’ where each class will be given some money to plan and make a product to sell at the end of the week, Friday 29th December. The class that makes the most profit will be the winners! Children will also explore questions like ’Does money make you happy?’ and ‘Is money really important?
Food sale
We will have a special food sale on Friday 29th December from 3.30pm onwards in the hall. The children will be selling their products from their Maths week ‘Apprentice’ challenge. Please do come along and show your support. The money made from the sale with go towards the Gaza appeal. Please bring lots of change!
Maths hat competition
As part of Maths week, we are running a Maths hat competition. The children can design and make their own Maths hats and bring them into school on Friday 29th December 2024 to wear. The hats must be handmade and include Maths-related designs on them. You can be as creative as you want to be. We look forward to seeing what designs the children come up with!
Maths poster competition
The children in Primary are invited to enter our Maths poster competition to recognise that ‘Maths is all around us’. They can pick any Maths topic of their choice e.g., Time, Shapes, Algebra, Addition etc.... and create a poster all about that subject including pictures, facts and important information. We want to enhance our school with posters so that the children are surrounded with Maths knowledge everywhere they go! Posters need to be in by Wednesday 27th December 2024.
Please encourage your child/ren to learn the times tables off by heart. It is important that they know the times tables as this will help them with all aspects of Maths. The teachers are working hard to practise with them daily, but we need your support too.
99 names of Allah assembly
Every week, each class and teacher are given one of the 99 names of Allah to present in our whole assembly. The children will learn the meaning of the name and learn about the attributes of the name. They present role plays and explain ways in which we can implement these beautiful attributes in our own lives. This week the name Al-Awwal (The first) was presented. We look forward to learning many more names of Allah and the beautiful meanings behind them.
Celebration time
Stars of the week
Sara Southgate - Year 1
Ramla Mohamed - Year 2
Ilham Iman - Year 3
Othman Hasebla- Year 4
Rayann Fatah- Year 5
Ali Mohamed - Year 6
Congratulations to all the children, keep up the great work!
House points
The winning team with the most house points this term is team Umar. Congratulations to the whole team!
Packed lunches
For your child’s packed lunch, please provide them with their own cutlery, e.g. a spoon/fork as the school cannot provide this for them. Fridays are treat days, but please do not give your child family size packs of crisps or sweets. Reminder, we are a nut free school. Thank you for your support.
Weather change
Please ensure that your child wears a warm coat to school every day. The weather is very unpredictable now so if children do not wear appropriate clothing, they will not be allowed to go out to play at lunchtime. Thank you for your understanding.
Please ensure that your child/ren complete their weekly school homework and flip learning and hand it back on Wednesday 27th November. Please access the homework from Autumn 2, week 3.
Thank you for your continued support.
Senior management