Pioneering Personalities Week 2022
Early Years – Mothers are Special Pioneers
For pioneering personality week, EYFS explored why our mothers are special. We went through a ‘How My Mum is Special’ PowerPoint which helped the children discuss what makes mother-children relationships so special, and how much mums do for their children.
Children designed a fact file all about their mums, including why they love their mothers, what they are great and a picture of their mums. Pioneering personality week was the perfect opportunity for children learn more about this relationship and show them how much they appreciate it. To show their love and appreciation for their mothers, children engaged in various activities. They enjoyed creating flower bouquets with their mother’s favourite colours.
For Maths children have been looking at patterns, so they created cards for their mums using sequins to make patterns to design the card. They also read the book ‘My mum is a superhero and role played the various tasks their mothers do, such as cooking, cleaning and ironing. Children also read ‘I want my mum’ and were able to discuss why they are just as important to their mothers too. Lastly,
EYFS listened to and sang ‘My mum is amazing’ and ‘My mother’ to understand how mothers and mother figures work hard to make children’s lives great every day. mum.
Year 1 and 2 – Princess Diana
Year 1 and 2 had Princess Dina as their pioneering personality. They looked at her childhood, marriage, charity work and her death. The children watched a video and wrote facts about her life.
During our class discussion the class where surprised at how young she was when she died and all the different charities she helped.
Year 1and 2 enjoyed learning about Princess Diana.
Year 3 and 4 – Abdullah Quilliam
Year 3/4 learnt about Abdullah Quilliam. They understood the role and impact he had on Britain and British Muslims by first researching and writing a Fact File. Then the class read together information about his life and wrote an Acrostic poem. It was amazing to hear all their knowledge on Abdullah Quilliam as they read aloud their Acrostic Poems to the class.
Year 5 and 6 – Fatima al Fihri
Year 5/6 researched about Fatima al Fihri. Children produced some wonderful work that demonstrated independent research and presentation skills.
