Children were asked about ‘stranger danger’, how to understand and spot a stranger and how to react in the safest and most appropriate way without panic. The class teachers acted out a scenario where they approached a child as a stranger, the children were able to identify the importance of not speaking to strangers and the importance of why they should walk away. Class teachers showed all children, who can be a trusted adult if they need any help (teacher or police officer) and if they have any queries or questions at any given time. Children also discussed the importance of road safety, identified road signs, and acted out short roleplays within groups. Children made props in class and prepared amazingly for their parts in the roleplay and wore professional overhauls to represent their characters. Whilst children were working within groups, they interacted with one another and helped each other to be aware of how important road safety was. The roleplays included pupils to act as oncoming vehicles, lollipop lady/man and a walking pedestrian. The children practised how to cross the road by following the rules; STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN.