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Visit to Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP

Following on from the Science week that took place at the end of January 2016 and in continuing to with the schools longterm plan on developing skills , we programmed to join Winns primary school children at an exclusive workshop at the very prestigious Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP in London Fleet Street.

Freshfields is a leader among international law firms, providing business law advice of the highest quality throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the US. The children worked as a team to use their problem solving skills in order to act as either the prosecution or defence for some of their favourite storybook characters in Harry Potter. This task required the students to analyse multiple pieces of evidence and to listen carefully to each other’s ideas in order to decide what the best arguments were and which pieces of evidence were most relevant to back up their case. Teams aimed high to bring the best case to trial. Presenting their case in court, both defence and prosecution proved they had built strong arguments, making the task trickier than ever for the jury to come to a unanimous verdict. It is fair to say the adults in the room had nothing but praise for the students’ speaking and listening skills as well as their teamwork. Everyone had a great time! Here are the highlights…

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